Tuesday, August 16, 2011

The Big Orange Mess...in The Big Orange Country

Tomorrow starts the first day of class..which will also be the first day of senior year...wait what?!! Yes, this will be my senior year of college. It's crazy to think about how this time has already come and it seriously feels like the past three years have happened in a blink of an eye.As I prepare to start my final year of college at UT, I think about my freshman year and starting this new chapter of my life. As my friends and family know, I absolutely LOVE Knoxville and it feels like home to me...but it was not always like that. My first year here was hard, overwhelming, and nothing I imagined it would be. There were many days that I would lay in my dorm room and just wonder if I made the right decision coming to Knoxville. But, as I decided to stay and continue my time at the University of Tennessee, I realized the Lord had a plan set out for me all along. One of my favorite verses is Jeremiah 29:11, which says, "For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." This verse has held so much meaning for me as I have been on my college journey.

So, as I start the final part of my chapter here at UT, I look back and see how God really does make all things beautiful. I can honestly say that I would not be the same person if I didn't stay here and I can honestly say that I wouldn't have wanted my college years to be any different..because they have been some of the best years of my life.


Coming to the University of Tennessee, I have found many things here.
I found my best friends here...friends that have become like family.
I have found amazing opportunites here..such as going to New York City and Chicago.
I have found life-changing experiences...such as cherish the important things.
I have found traditions here...going to football games and singing Rocky Top every five seconds

I realize this is a more in-depth post, but I wanted to share a little of my journey at Tennessee and why it has meant so much to me.So, on that note, I hope that wherever you are in life, to never give up because you may not realize how much the Lord is working in your life and what a wonderful plan He has set for you.

Rocky Top, you will always be home sweet home to me!

                                             Football Orange & White Video Contest

Saturday, August 13, 2011


75. Read The Hunger Games

This past week, I decided to start reading the Hunger Games series, and let me tell you..it was awesome! Before reading, I heard from a lot of people that this series was so good and such an easy read. To be honest, I am not much of a reader but once I actually sit down with a book I can't stop..so maybe I should do it more often. I loved the fact of just sitting down and reading a book...there is something so relaxing about it. But anyways, I bought The Hunger Games and I started reading it and I seriously finished the book later that night...I always wanted to know what was going to happen next.

So, I would highly recommend this series for you to read. It was a great book and I think guys and girls would both enjoy it. There is a little of romance and action for everyone to enjoy. Also, if you have any free time, I encourage you to think about reading a good book before you decide to sit on the couch and watch TV.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

The Big Orange Mess...Captivated by The One

This past Monday, I came home to catch up and visit with my family for a few days before my hectic school schedule starts back up. As I came back, I was looking through some old books of mine and I found the book Captivating. I realized that I never finished it, but decided to look through it and start where I left off. Then it struck me, I feel like I was meant to start this book once again because it was something I needed to hear.                                                                
A few weeks ago, I was having a conversation with a few friends about relationships and how society puts so much focus on finding "the one." Yes, I admit that I struggle with this and it is no easy subject for me. But, we were talking about where we find our worth and how much emphasis we place on these romantic relationships, because let's face it everybody wants to feel needed and loved. Many people question their value if they feel like no one wants to pursue them and let relationships define who they are as a person. But, as I was going through this book, it reminded me of where I should find my worth and how valuable I am as a young woman.
So, I thought I would share a few key points that really stuck with me and I hope that when we face days that we question our value, we will be reminded of these things.

1. Many girls, including myself,  all have to face what the word "beauty" really means. We often question ourselves with "am I pretty enough?" "am I skinny enough?" "does my hair look good?" But, when we realize that there is much much more to beauty than this, we see the real us. We can also take heart in the fact that the Creator of the universe is so deeply in love with us and finds each and everyone of us simply beautiful . In Psalm 45, it says, the King is enthralled by your beauty.

2. A major thing that really stuck with me was the fact of being the person God created you to be. In this world, we struggle so much on the thought of being who others will be pleased with and living up to others standards. In Captivating, Eldredge states, "We act in self-protective ways and refuse to offer what we truly see, believe, and know. We will not risk rejection or looking like a fool." I will be the first to admit that I have a unique personality at times (hence the rapping video) and I know it is part of what makes me who I am, but I often wonder what others may think.
 I will praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. Psalm 139:14

3. Many times in life we search so long to find things that can satisfy us, even in relationships. But, I have personally learned that these worldly things do not complete the satisfacation my heart desires. This book discusses when we turn to these things, we are giving our heart to them instead of to the heart of God. How much I needed to be reminded of that! 
The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever. 1 John 2:17

So, I hope that we can all be reminded of these things, including guys. We are each wonderfully made and each have a unique story to tell. I know it is easier said than done, but my prayer is that when we are striving so hard to find "the one", we remember to seek "The One" who created us and views us as His beautiful children. For He has a wonderful plan set out for you!



Monday, August 1, 2011


14. See Chris August in concert
For those who know me, know that I am a huge Chris August fan. He is one of my favorite artists and I first heard his song "Starry Night" on Klove back in the fall. Ever since then, I have been waiting for him to come to Tennessee so I would get the chance to see him live. Well, last night, it finally happened. I went to the Smokies game, a minor league baseball team, and following the game, they  held a Christian concert featuring Chris August and the Sidewalk Prophets.

Chris August on stage

Smokies Stadium

If you have never heard Chris August or the Sidewalk Prophets, I would highly recommend you listen to them because they are unbelievable. It was so incredible to see fellow believers gathered at a baseball stadium to praise the One who is everything! It was an indescribale setting as people waited after watching 9 innings of a game to stand and lift their hands high to praise the Lord.
As much as I love Chris August, I know that it is not all about seeing him, but instead about the meaning his music holds.


Therefore I will praise you, O Lord, among the nations, I will sing praises to your name. 2 Samuel 22:50