I know these next few weeks will be tough as I already had to say one of a few good-byes, or what my friends like to call "see ya later" this past week and it was anything but easy for me. But, as I was going through all my pictures this summer, I realized that this was one of the best summer's I have had. I decided to spend the summer in Knoxville and without a doubt in my mind, it was the best decision I could possibly make. I got the opportunity to hang out with some amazing friends, while also forming new friendships. We spent countless nights going on adventures and creating memories that I will always cherish. We spents hours and hours playing games, watching movies, eating delicious food, doing random crazy things, rapping, and my favorite..laughing so hard that we cried!
Looking back over these past two months, I see how blessed I am to have such wonderful and caring people in my life. They have made this summer amazing and they have become some of my best friends! I know I will look back on this summer and I will automatically start laughing because I will remember all the great times we had together...all the inside jokes, all the stories, and everything. As much as I dread the summer ending and people leaving, one quote comes to mind. "Don't cry because it is over, smile because it happened."
So, here is a reflection of these summer months and some of the best times ever!!
We took a roadrip to see the Braves for my friend's 21st birthday! It was one of my favorite things this summer because I love the Braves and got to spend time with great friends!
This was in Chicago, and if you can't tell from earlier posts, I clearly fell in love with that city. This picture was from the day we saw the David Crowder Band.
This was at Litton's..one of the best places to eat in Knoxville.
Free Chick-fil-a day!
Lake Day!
Dinner at Aubrey's!
"I still recall every summer night like it was yesterday; the times would never end and my friends were family."
"I cannot even imagine where I would be today were it not for that handful of friends who have given me a heart full of joy. Let's face it, friends make life a lot more fun." - Charles Swindoll